Project Yoreme


This document details how the various teaching tools being considered are developed, why they work, and how we intend to use them in this project. It also describes how these tools can be organized together into one cohesive unit, in other words, how to teach a class using these tools, and how to create course curricula.

As it was explained in the Theoretical Background, there are many examples of simple "ritualized games" (termed formats in the study of language acquisition) which are central to first language aquisition. There is also some pedagogical literature who's goal is to model teaching techniques through this model. The fact that this may also occur spontaneously in other areas of learning makes a good starting point to understand our proposed methodology.

In the world of computers we find a clear example of these games: the tutorial. This technique has been used extensively to teach programming languages. Many tutorials, specially those pertaining to high-level, interpreted languages (those closest to human speech), are esentially formats. The interactive interpreter that is usually part of the environment where these languages are used, is a relatively competent interlocutor, who provides positive or negative feedback depending on whether a coherent construction was entered or not. In such tutorials, we can even observe the ritualized aspects such as the notorious Hello World, which any self-respecting tutorial must include, although the specific way in which it is included allows for considerable variation.

The formats under consideration here are of three kinds: scripts, individual formats and group formats. Scripts can also be considered formats, as long as we maintain a playful attitude. The creation and consistent use of ritualized aspects which create a contrast between the novelty of the material being presented with the comfort of that with which we're already familiar is also essential to proper script design. While all our didactical tools are formats, for greater clarity, from here on we'll differentiate between scripts and formats, reserving the latter term for only those formats which are meant to assist self-directed learning.

The formats we'll be using are fundamentally worksheets organized within a wiki. They're comprised of a series of instructions and questions. Instructions are of the form "interact with the machine in a way x to accomplish objective y". Questions follow this model: "report here information z". This information was presumably obtained by the learner, while following instruction w, working with the machine in a certain way. It should be noted that we can't be too careful with this kind of metainformation, since we're trying to promote creativity, rather than hinder it with instructions that are too explicit.

On the other hand, scripts are similar to a "traditional" class, where the facilitator is leading. The script is like a game (this is the playful aspect necessary in all formats), which the facilitator already knows how to play, and designed in such a way that the students can learn by imitation. In this way the facilitator acts the role of an already-competent user who knows the minimally-required rules of the game (she can use the software). The learners can therefore, through the mediation of the competent user, engage themselves in playing the game without worrying about what the rules are.

Sessions with Scripts

With scripts, theatricality is essential in order to draw the learner, through imitation, to good practices and forms of conduct which are deemed too far removed to be approached through a format. The need for this approach arises from two issues which are inherent to teaching technology: 1) there are metapractices (such as connecting to the network, using the mouse, or starting a program) which are too dry to frame in a format; and 2) we consider it important to teach good practices, since usually there is more than one way of performing the same task on a computer, although not all methods are equally economic, or follow adequate standards (those which tend to be repeated across different software, making it easier to learn to use new applications).

Sessions with Formats

We work with individual and group formats. In individual formats, the learner interacts with the machine, which is to say, the computer is the interlocutor who speaks the languages to be acquired. If the learner produces valid constructions, then the satisfactory interaction with the machine provides him with positive feedback. The space of syntactic phrases in this language is explored while trying to create valid constructions.

Group formats are similar to individual formats, except that in this case the interlocutor is the group (or, more precisely, some individuals within the group). Access to these interlocutors is mediated, as far as possible, by software running on the learners' terminals and which connects to the network. Validation in this instance is provided by succesful interaction with the group. In order to communicate with the group, in other words, to emit syntactically valid constructions, the learners must master the software in question. Group formats accomplish two significant tasks: 1) they create cohesiveness in the group and develop the ability to work as part of a team; and 2) they confirm the abilities which are appplied in the format, either by practicing what has been learnt, or by observing and giving feedback on a classmate's work.

Methodology for Classes

We shall now describe a way of articulating these tools together to create course curricula and lesson plans. Starting from the premise that most of the learners don't have the training (nor the motivation) for studying autonomously from day one, we can begin using scripts, and then gradually introduce formats. There's another advantage to this method, which we'll cover later, when we discuss curricula.

Scripts will alternate with formats. This requires less from the learners in terms of maintaining their attention. We begin with the simplest formats. In this way, the learners become used to this type of activity without the interference of having to deal with conceptual complexity. As they gradually develop the ability to manage their own advancement, the periods of self-directed study should increase in relation to scripted classes. Eventually scripts will be reserved for activities which are impractical to teach without the participation of most of the group. There are two reasons why we want to continue using them: 1) maintaining group cohesiveness through collaborative work; and 2) promoting ICT-assisted teamwork.

Once a favourable working environment has been established during the periods of self-directed study, we can begin to introduce self-managed formats for group activities. This introduction is a delicate, and essential, part of the learning process. The facilitator needs to decide when the group is ready for this step forward, in terms not only of individual working capacity, but also of group cohesiveness.

We consider it as fundamental that teamwork happens without excessive intervention from the facilitator. This is because group formats are aimed at developing the capacity to self-manage on a different level: collaborating with a group which may have different goals from those of the individual. As was the case with simple, individual formats, the first appearances of these tools ought to be brief, and the activities to be performed should be kept simple. As the group's ability to work as a unit develops, these formats should gradually replace scrpits for group activities.

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